Grace Soul Structure

Who I am in Christ
Grace Soul Structure

1) Gods Child, I am born again of the corruptible seed of the Word of God -1Pt 1.23
2) Forgiven all of my sins and washed in the blood – Eph 1.7
3) A new Creation – 2 Cor 5:17
4) The temple of the holy Spirit – 1 Cor 6:19
5) Delivered from the kingdom of darkness and translated Gods Kingdom -Col 1:13
6) Redeemed from the curse of the law - Gal 3:13
7) Blessed – Gal 3.9
8) A Saint – 1 Cor 1.2
9) The head and not the Tail – Deut 28.13
10) Above and not from Beneath – Deut 28.13
11) Holy and without Blame - Eph 1.4
12) Elect – Col 3.12
13) Established to the End -1Cor 1.8
14) Made nigh by the blood of Christ – Eph 2.13
15) Victorious – Rev 2.17
16) Set free – Jn 8.31-33
17) Strong in the Lord – Eph 6.10
18) Dead to sin – Rm 6.2,11
19) More than Conquerors –Rm 8.37
20) Joint Heirs with Christ – Rm 8.17
21) Sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise – Eph 1.13
22) In Jesus by Gods doing – 1 Cor 1.30
23) Accepted in the beloved - Eph 1.6
24) Complete in Him – Col 2.10
25) Crucified with Christ – Gal 2.20
26) Alive with Christ – Eph 2.5
27) Free form Condemnation – Rm 8.1
28) Reconciled to God - 2 Cor 5.18
29) Qualified to share in His inheritance – Col 1.12
30) Firmly rooted, built up, established in faith, overflowing with gratitude – Col 2.7
31) Circumcised with the circumcision made without hands - Col 2.11
32) A fellow citizen with the saints and f the household of God – Eph 2.19
33) Built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets: Jesus himself – Eph 2.20
34) In the world ad he is in Heaven - 1 Jn 4.17
35) Born of God and the evil one does not touch me – 1 Jn 5.18
36) His faithful follower – Eph 5.1
37) Overtaken with blessing – Deut 28.2
38) His disciple because I have love for others – Jn 13.34-35
39) The light of the World – Mt 5.14
40) The salt of the Earth – Mt 5.13
41) The righteousness of God – 2 Cor 5.21
42) A partaker of hIs divine nature – 2 pt 1.4
43) Called of God – 2 Tim 1.9
44) A witness for Christ - Act 1.8
45) Chosen – 1 Thess 1.4
46) An ambassador of Jesus – 2Cor 5.20
47) Gods workmanship – Eph 2.10
48) The apple of Gods eye – Deut 32.10
49) Healed by the stripes of Jesus – 1 Pt 2.24
50) Changed into His likeness – 2 Cor 3.18
51) Seated in heavenly places – Eph 2.6
52) Beloved of God – Col 3.12
53) One in Christ – Jn 17.21-23

I Have
54) The mind of Christ – Phil 2.5
55) Greater is He who is in me – 1Jn 4.4
56) Access by one Spirit unto the father- Eph 2.18
57) Overcome the World – 1Jn 5.4
58) Everlasting Life – Jn 5.24
59) A peace which passes understanding – Phil 4.8
60) Received Power – the power of the Holy Spirit – Act 1.8

Will Power

This is not the answer. Our own strength has an end. Gods plan is to strengthen the Will with His mind from His word. Faith is motivated by love in Gal 5:6. Faith alone isnt enough, love must be the fuel for faith. The strength of sin is in the law, so to speak to yourself in a mantra "I wont do it, I wont do it is worthless. Ps 119.11 say to hide the word in our heart that I may not sin against you. This is key - the word has the keeping power to keep from sinning. Sin is small to God – for He himself was the answer to deal with it; but the loss of fellowship, the consequence of sin, has far more liability. Study Gods mind in His word in specifics were you have a disconnect. What ever imbalance or addiction God has a specific thought. Hide that thought by agreeing with God and HIS Will is activated in Phil 2:13. Energy should not by put into ceasing from sin but to fill our heart with Gods value system in His word. The Will - our ability to choose and act will be accountable to an eternal value system. This will produce a love for the right things and amazing ability in temptation. Purity is more than just purification, it is the environment were Gods full expression can be revealed. Let God conquer you in his love and he will heal and mature you.

Personal exercise:

1) Study Gods mind on your imbalance or addiction
2) On a piece of paper write out why you are drawn and need that particular addiction. This defines motives.
3) Meditate and learn verses that define who you are in Christ. This will create a right grid in the mind.


Ezekiel 8:12 talks about the room of pictures - our chamber of imagery. Visually we take in pictures and video all day. Some are registering in the conscious mind and some are not. Our imagination is full of these archived pictures and they play back. Fantasy is a totally positive reality that is fed by desire but not realistic. If what is received glorifies God than it produces a healthy imagination which increases faith. Impure fantasies produce double mindedness and kill intimacy. The plague of lust and sensual fantasy kills robs and destroys the soul. The devil is a liar and distracts with the smoke screen of fantasy. Keep your head in the game!

Keys to victory:
1) Accountability partner - can’t manage flesh must be held accountable
2) Fill your heart with the Word. Empty heart gives way to an wandering mind.
3) Identify triggers - Stress, hunger, tired, angry,lonely. Guard down, pre-planning.
4) Pattern of behavior - track when you get tempted - pre-plan a provision
5) Make no provision for the flesh - Take away the tool of sin
6) Recognize spiritual warfare and that the devil is trying to take you out! Dont be casual - be proactive. Keep short accounts with God.
7) Realize consequence - embarassment to the testimony of God and to those that you love. Potential loss of those family and friends. Grieving the spirit and process of discipline. Your sin will find you out! Num 32:23.

Ezekiel 13:18-22 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes, and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the souls of my people, and will ye save the souls alive that come unto you?
19 And will ye pollute me among my people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, to slay the souls that should not die, and to save the souls alive that should not live, by your lying to my people that hear your lies?
20 Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly. (KJV)
21 Your kerchiefs also will I tear, and deliver my people out of your hand, and they shall be no more in your hand to be hunted; and ye shall know that I am the LORD.
22 Because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad; and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, by promising him life:

Prov 6:26 26 For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life.